What to watch out for when searching a recording studio

Life is moving at a digital pace and the business world cannot escape this. Online events, livestreams and webinars have taken over. However, if you do not have on hand the necessary AV and IT equipment, it is quite difficult to set up an online event yourself.

Are you looking for an easy and professional solution?
Make use of BluePoint’s recording studio!

You can hire a recording studio in our business centres in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège. Every TV studio is equipped with modern technologies that will put your event on the right (virtual) track. What advantages do you gain from broadcasting in a professional recording studio? We are happy to tell you about it!

The advantages of a recording studio:

  • Filming your online events in a recording studio makes everything just that little bit easier.  
  • Your online event is accessible to an unlimited number of participants. Moreover, you reach more people than when organising a physical event.
  • Participants do not have to travel, making your event much more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  • An existing studio requires less preparation time. The studio can be used quickly for your online event, because you don't waste any time setting up and dismantling.
  • The broadcast is recorded, so that you can easily go back to certain fragments later.
  • You maintain real-time interaction with viewers, via a platform, mail- and chatbox for example.
Recording studio at bluepoint venues

What should you pay attention to when looking for a recording studio?

Now that you know that a professional recording studio has many advantages, it is time for the next step. Looking for a suitable space. Below you will find out what you need to pay attention to during your search.

1. A dedicated recording studio

If you do not have your own recording studio, you can indeed ask a company to come over to your place for the recordings. However you then run more risk of technical failures. Moreover, you will not have access to all the possibilities that a professional studio has. What to do best? You hire a professional recording studio on location. This way, you can always be sure of a solid infrastructure with modern, technological equipment.

2. Quality linked to a professional setting

At a live event, it is extremely important to keep your viewers interested. Both with the content, but also with the quality of your recording. Naturally, you want the camera to be positioned correctly, the connection to last and the recordings to continue without interruption. That is why you should choose a recording studio with a support team. That way, you only have to focus on the presentation. A tip: find out if there is a green key studio available. This is ideal for creating a personalised background for your event. 

3. A motivated production team

Imagine: you do not have the knowledge to successfully complete an online event or a live broadcast. What you need in that case is a production team to guide you through the process from the beginning to the end. A team that understands green keys, adequate lighting, the transition from a speaker to a video recording or the intervention of any other external speakers, adding a survey or a poll and much more. Choose an experienced professional who will take your specific needs into account.  

4. Go live immediately, or first a dry run

Going live in a recording studio right away takes some courage. You don't get any re-takes, you have to get it right the first time. Not 100% sure about your show yet? Then find a recording studio where you can first make a dry-run recording before going live. Consider the recording as an exercise, with one extra advantage: you can cut your recorded video up later and reuse it as promotional material.

5. Are you interested in renting a recording studio for your own broadcast?

You can hire a recording studio for many different types of events: a webinar, a live stream presentation, a video recording of a panel discussion or an online conference with various speakers or even your own company’s tv show. Do you want to shoot a broadcast in one of our studios? BluePoint is a one-stop-shop for all your virtual events and shows. Our production team takes care of the support before, during and after your event. 

You can rent a recording studio in our offices in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège. Each studio is equipped with modern technologies that will put your event on the right (virtual) track. Our production team also provides support before, during and after your event.

What advantages do you gain from broadcasting in a professional recording studio?
Contact a BluePoint event expert now and discuss the possibilities at BluePoint Antwerp, Brussels or Liège.
Feel free to make an appointment at  marketing@bluepoint.com or +32 2 706 88 00.