What does the label mean for BluePoint meeting venues?

BluePoint has been committed to protecting the environment for many years. In 2013, the Brussels site was awarded the international ‘Green Key’ label as an environmentally-friendly player in the events sector. In view of the forthcoming closure of activities in the Brussels building, the label will expire in August 2024 for the BluePoint Brussels site. The situation remains unchanged for the Antwerp and Liège sites.

BluePoint Antwerp followed the example of Brussels and also obtained the Green Key label in 2020. The Liège site began the procedure some time later, and was awarded the precious label in 2021. This proves once again that our organisation remains very committed to responsible management in order to protect the environment.


The water and energy consumption is registered in order to continuously improve the infrastructure and the policy to make it more and more economical. Employees are made aware of the need to take care of the environment, cleaning products must comply with strict conditions and the eco-label is taken into account for every renovation project.

green key international eco label at bluepoint venues
green key international eco label at bluepoint venues

For its catering activities, BluePoint strives, in cooperation with its partners, to promote local and fair trade products, responsible fishing and vegetarian alternatives as much as possible.

Efforts are made to produce as little waste as possible, and the necessary packaging is therefore biodegradable.

BluePoint also participates in the annual collection of e-waste. For example, we take part of a collection campaign organized by the WEEE forum and supported by Recupel, two tenants of the Brussels Business Centre.

With these and other actions, BluePoint raises awareness among its customers. Via internal posters at strategic locations, customers are made aware of their consumption of water, energy and waste sorting.  

All efforts and communication in this respect also bear positive fruit of course: BluePoint Brussels is, among other, a proud location partner for the European Green Week!

If you would like to organise a sustainable event yourself, be sure to take a look at these pages about sustainable events and discover all our possibilities in Antwerp, Brussels and Liège!

Discover our environmental policy statement here.